Sunday, May 11, 2014

Paperback 773: The Sea of Grass / Conrad Richter (Pocket Book 413)

Paperback 773: Pocket Book 413 (4th ptg, 1948)

Title: The Sea of Grass
Author: Conrad Richter
Cover artist: "Troop" (?)

Yours for: $10


Best things about this cover:

  • Pretty dour, tepid stuff. Two screen legends just looking at each other against a (literal?) sea of grass.
  • I prefer a photo cover, or something more dynamic, for my movie tie-ins.
  • The book's in startlingly good condition. That's about the only good thing I can say about it.


Best things about this back cover:

  • It's not really fair if you fight only the *old* Indians.
  • I see your problem, buddy. You got one of them there imported wives. You really gotta buy domestic.
  • The "lowest possible price" is zero, Pocket Books, you liars.

Page 23~ (book's only 118 pp. long)
[A] spray of pink loco weed had been pinned freshly across her basque and she still moved with undiminished sparkle and aliveness.
I liked "loco weed" better before I looked it up and realized that it does not, in fact, make you "loco."


[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Tumblr]


DemetriosX said...

Well, however you define it, loco weed will drive your cattle loco. But it also often refers to jimsonweed, which most definitely will make you loco (if it doeesn't kill you first) .

Anonymous said...

Interesting choice by the cover artist, to give Spencer Tracy Kirk Douglas's face...