Sunday, May 23, 2010

Paperback 317: The Summer Ghosts / Alexis Lykiard (Tower 43-891)

Paperback 317: Tower 43-891 (1st thus, 1966)

Title: The Summer Ghosts
Author: Alexis Lykiard
Cover artist: photo

Yours for: $11

Best things about this cover:

  • That photo does not say "never caring about tomorrow." It says "ennui." Also, "UNCENSORED!" = false advertising. Move your arm!
  • That's a wig. That is also Cameron Díaz.
  • I thought "hippie" was spelled "-ie," and "hippy" was a word used to describe a somewhat widish woman.

Best things about this back cover:

  • "Society" w/ a Capital "S" = HA ha. "We're not gonna conform to your bourgeois ways, man!
  • "The What's Happening? Generation" — I think I was part of the sequel generation: "The What's Happening Now? Generation"

Page 123~

... Fantastic battles begun with zip-gropings or oiled smooth friction of hand on nylon leg ... she sheds clothes like petals, hurriedly ... breast straining to its full pink apex ... fleecy triangle ... a cunt like a warm sticky fondue into which I dip my finger my tongue my prick seeking that unique tangy flavour like a madman or a driller for texan oil.

Bored with his many accolades, and distressed that most people knew him only as "that 'Road Less Traveled' guy, Robert Frost turned to ghostwriting softcore late in life, primarily as a way to amuse himself.


[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter]


Unknown said...

Someone at the Sunday Times can read "warm sticky fondue" without embarrassment? REALLY?

capewood said...

Read without embarrassment maybe, but written without embarrassment? Hardly. Must have been embarrassing for the editor although, based on the page 123 quote, editing may have been at a minimum.

Sean Brodrick said...

Editing this book is the kind of experience that would really make someone rethink their life choices.