Title: Send Another Hearse
Author: Harold Q. Masur
Cover artist: Greene (so he's just Greene, now? like Prince?) (see artist credit on back)
Condition: 10/10
Estimated value: $12

- "I have other creative talents," whispered the brunette. Throatily, she added, "I hang wallpaper."
- I love Scott Jordan's expression. "Just gonna light this cigarette and settle in to watch this wallpaper-hanger lady take her clothes off and ... [ding dong] ... what the!? Goddammit, why did I even bother getting a No Solicitors sign if no one's gonna ****ing RESPECT it!?"
- I also love how jaded the title is. "Yep ... yeah ... I don't know, someone else died, I guess ... no we can't put 'em in the same hearse, you moron. SEND ANOTHER HEARSE!"

- That is not a martini glass. That is the Holy Grail.
- "Scott"? Come on. P.I.s go by last names. You switch to "Jordan" eventually, so your dumb first-name gambit actually makes everything weirdly unclear. Nevermind that both "Scott" and "Jordan" can be both first and last names. It's a mess. Just stick with last names, and you're good, man.
- What kind of chump just *opens* the hotel room door? No "Who is it?" or anything?
And, quite irrelevantly, I thought how various parts of the human anatomy behave differently under stress.I think he's saying his penis is irrelevant, but who can be sure?
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