Title: Bachelors Get Lonely
Author: A.A. Fair (Erle Stanley Gardner)
Cover artist: photo cover
Estimated value: $10-15

Best things about this cover:
- I can confirm the basic premise of this title.
- I find this cover oddly sexy, if wildly implausible.
- Pink. I dig it. At least it's different.

Best things about this back cover:
- You had me at "Stripper Daffidill (sic!?) Lawson"
- What an odd photo choice. Random stock photo, faded and blued.
- Lam's pretty light-hearted for someone trying to catch a murderous voyeur.
- "Swell."
Page 123~
"The walls are terribly thin," she whispered. "People will know that … that I'm having a visitor."
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