Title: Raison Funèbre
Author: Georges Vidal
Cover artist: "M. Fournay" (I think)
Yours for: $12
Best things about this cover:
- "I vill prove zat zay are inflatable!"
- Dagger wielded by killer, or laser pointer wielded by Anatomy professor?
- She has one hell of a tan.
- You'd think they'd make the whole torn dress/bondage thing less subtle.
Paperback 702: Editions Fleuve Noir 363 (PBO, 1963)
Title: Quand Passe Calone ...
Author: Alain Page
Cover artist: "M. Fournay" (I think)
Yours for: $16
Best things about this cover:
- Teenager really must borrow the car. She insists.
- Being and Nothingness and Murder.
- Seriously, this is like a Sartre play. "Shoot. Don't shoot. What does it matter?"
Best things about this back cover (same for both books):
- This manages to be both generic and dynamic.
- I want to be a "Gentleman Justicier." Sounds elegant.
- Is "Anticipation" what the French called "scifi?" "La Réalité de Demain" ("The Reality of Tomorrow") suggests yes, but I'd be surprised if they hadn't co-opted the term "sci-fi" by now (see "pin-up," above)
Page 123~ (from Quand Passe Calone...)
"Jolie fille, hein? Il ne faudrait pas grand-chose pour en faire une pin-up occidentale."
"Je n'aime pas les pin-up, je la préfère telle quelle est..."
["Pretty girl, eh? It wouldn't take much to turn this photo into a western-style pin-up"
"I don't like pin-ups. I prefer her just as she is..."]
I'm trying to imagine anyone, anywhere, uttering the phrase "I don't like pin-ups." Nope, doesn't compute.
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