Paperback 233: Softcover Library S95189 (unknown ptg, 1970?)
The SisterhoodAuthor: Sheldon Lord (pseud. of Lawrence Block)
Cover artist: uncredited
Yours for: $14
Best things about this cover:- "Oh, your Scottie-hair wig is so soft ... it makes me want to unbutton my shirt..."
- If there's one thing lesbians love more than anything else, it's grooming each other like monkeys.
- The tall one looks like a transsexual Joan Collins ... is that redundant?
- "swamp of bisexual love!" - worst thing about it: all the damned mosquitoes
Best things about this back cover:- "For Women Only" - somehow, I doubt that
- "Happy Lesbos Hunting Ground" should totally, Totally be the name of a Vermont resort
- "Countess!" O, man, this stuff is rich
- "Infiltrate men's professions" - holy crap, it's an allegory about feminism. E.R.A. = exotic lesbian plot
- "strange" = paperback cover word of choice for referring to the gays. See also "twilight world," "in-between," etc.
Page 123~Persistent, isn't he? she thought to herself. Then into the phone, "Look, Brad. Let's take this from the top, huh? I mean - besides the fact that I happen to be, shall we say, occupied - there's something that maybe you haven't thought of."
"Huh? What?" he said desperately.
~RPP.S. Everyone within earshot of this blog is going to want to go out and pick up / order a copy of "Dames, Dolls & Gun Molls: The Art of Robert A. Maguire" (Dark Horse, 2009). It's a loving, glossy, gorgeous tribute to the greatest paperback cover artist that ever lived (IMHO). Literally, every page I turn, I find myself whispering "wow..." It's a reasonably affordable oversized paperback - the large scale reproductions of the art are what really make this book worthwhile. Plus it has lots of insights into Maguire's process, some of the photos he used as references, pencil sketches, etc. See an online flipbook version of the book
here. Then buy it. Now.

P.P.S. Article by writer Brian Ritt about sleaze fiction master Orrie Hitt - find it
here (this is why I "Follow"
Christa Faust on Twitter)