Title: 'K'
Author: Leslie Waller
Cover artist: uncredited
Yours for: $15
Best things about this cover:
- The "K", obviously - my favorite letter of the alphabet, by far.
- Easily the shortest title in my collection
- They've made Khrushchev look gregarious, drunk, lecherous, all at once. It's a nasty combo.
- I do not believe anyone would get up from a chair and leave it in exactly that condition
- The rifle appears to be floating. At that angle it couldn't possibly be propped up by the chair arm.
- Is that "K" supposed to look ... Sovietish? It's certainly Red.
Best things about this back cover:
- "Yes, hello! It's me, Nikita! I am watching you, you naughty minx..."
- In case you forgot that Khrushchev is communist, they have made him red to remind you.
- There's a fine art to near-murder now?
- Are those circles supposed to be bullet holes? Views through a rifle scope? Pips on a defective domino?
Page 123~
Lying at his feet, Ryder saw one meaty finger whiten at the knuckle as Ponamarenko started to squeeze the trigger.
I think that sentence opens with a misplaced modifier. Sounds like Ryder is lying at some other guy's feet, when I think the meaty finger is actually lying at Ryder's feet. These are the kinds of things I spend my life obsessing over. It's sad, really.
There's good eatin' on a meaty finger....
I read the page 123 paragraph differently. I think Ryder is lying at Ponamarenko's feet, and Ponamarenko is pointing a gun down at Ryder's head. Ryder is observing Ponamarenko's kunckle go white from the pressure of (almost) squeezing so hard on the trigger.
Great write up though - you're spot on about how unlikely the chair is to be left in that condition. Jolly good show, old chap!
Uh ... yes, that was a reading test, Zach, and you passed. Congratulations.
Do I get a gold star now?
I'm really enjoying your blog. Your diligence is making me feel like a slacker. Sometimes I'm tempted to just steal things from you! Keep up the good work.
Maughta @ Judge a Book by its Cover
...how on earth could you not comment on "muff it"?
What g said.
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