Saturday, August 24, 2024

Paperback 1100: The Devil Wears Wings / Harry Whittington (Black Lizard [unnumbered])

Paperback 1100: Black Lizard [unnumbered] (1988)

Title: The Devil Wears Wings
Author: Harry Whittington
Cover artist: Kirwan

Condition: 7/10
Value: $15

[The Book Den, Santa Barbara, CA]

Best things about this cover: 
  • I'm always impressed by artists who can draw hands but this is maybe too much hand. Creepy levels of hand. Like the digits are five different personalities operating independently of one another, just flying their own freak flags...
  • I guess the hand has smashed through ... a bank ... window? And that's where the bank keeps the cash? Not sure that's where I'd keep the cash, but what do I know?
  • That ring is insane. If you've got a ring like that, it better give you superpowers or some shit, because otherwise, tacky.
  • Harry Whittington rules. Totally reliable read. Never bad, sometimes great, paperback-pulp legend. Never read this one. Got this copy so cheap, and it's already so broken in, that I might just move this one to the top of the "To Be Read" pile...

Best things about this back cover: 
  • Of all the blurby adjectives, "effective" has to be the least ... effective. Effective at what? Exciting me? Putting me to sleep? Give me something more.
  • Love the name "Buz"—just gonna presume it's pronounced "booze"
  • BANK CAPER! Yes, please, thank you. This is definitely going to the top of the pile
Page 123~
    She stared at me as if trying to see inside me. I felt my face going white and bloodless. All my blood seemed to be congealing in the pit of my stomach. 
    "Buz—you—didn't do it?"
Pretty sure Buz did it. Just a hunch.


[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and BlueSky]


NomadUK said...

Buz just couldn't be arsed to write that second 'z'.

manonjessica said...

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