Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Paperback 1086: Pipe Night / John O'Hara (Bantam H3104)

 Paperback 1086: Bantam H3104 (1st Bantam, 1966)

Title: Pipe Night
Author: John O'Hara
Cover artist: Avati or a good impersonation thereof

Condition: 7    
Value: $7

[Autumn Leaves, Ithaca, NY, May 2024]

Best things about this cover: 
  • Absolutely insane depth-of-field. Amazing that you can get so much dramatic weight out of a dude that tiny. Also, I like that I (apparently) *am* the dude. That is a mirror, right? Hey, I look good in a tux! (a claim that cannot be disproven by this cover—the power of tininess!)
  • I like the subtle nightmarish quality of this cover. Innocuous situation, but it's floating in pure dreamlike darkness. Also, the mirror looks like it might be a portal to hell. Is that a sexy over-the-shoulder glance, or a mischievous "I'm going through the Infernal Door to live with Satan now" glance.

Best things about this back cover: 
  • Tag yourself, I'm FURTIVE ADULTERERS (jk, honey)
  • Having fun saying FURTIVE ADULTERERS five times fast
  • Public Lies and Private Hells—always a winning formula
Page 123~

[from "Where's the Game?"]

"I'm a salesman."
"Selling what? Papers?" said Wilkey.
"Furniture," said Garfin.
"Furniture. Well, Garfin, I don't want any," said Wilkey.
"That's your privilege," said Garfin.
"That's right. It's my privilege. And you know what else is my privilege? My privilege is I don't like your kisser."

If this were a western, that would be the line that cleared the saloon...


[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and BlueSky]

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