Title: Man From Tomorrow
Author: Wilson Tucker
Cover artist: Uncredited
Approximate value: $6-10

Best things about this cover:
- "OK, so main guy shoots beams out of his eyes, and then the lady in his head shoots beams out of her face and … I don't know … let's say, whirlpool aliens wicker man done. Got it?"
- This floating head has his own internal floating head. That's pretty high-end.
- Font colors are wicked stupid.
- Ooh, this novel "tells of something which may be happening now." Ooh, is it Armageddon? Winter? The Greater Rochester Arts & Crafts Festival!? I'm gonna have to read this.

Best things about this back cover:
- And the razor frisbee takes out another alien.
- "Perhaps" … way to sell it!
- The Paul Breens = your next band name.
Page 123~
Paul wondered if this new woman in the adjoining apartment would be a plant.
"A ficus, maybe," he fantasized.
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