Title: Tiger Street
Author: Elleston Trevor
Cover artist: Uncredited
Yours for: $25

Best things about this cover:
- Richie: "Whaddya think of my left thigh, lady? See this tendon on my inner thigh, here? It's been gettin' a pretty good stretch in my yoga classes. This is kinda how I do Warrior 2. I got good form, don't ya think? And my sweater's pretty nifty too."
- Richie: "Jimmy, she ain't sayin' nothin.'" Jimmy: "Hey lady, he's showin' ya his yoga thighs. Tell him he looks nice. That's just common courtesy. Hey, you got a light? These matches don't work so good."
- She doesn't have "fear hand" so much as "backing away as far as I can hand."
- The original version of this painting just had the one trashcan, but then the art director was all, "Needs more trashcan." And thus the viewed-through-the-legs trashcan was born.
- Tiger Street! The Musical! "Walk up a staircase / Make out in a doorway / Pick fruit from a trashcan / Show off your firm thighs … Tiger Street!"
- Love the background. Street design is pretty stylized, but still has tons of nice detail. I especially like the awnings and fire escapes.
- This cover features ten people. Find them all. Go!

Best things about this back cover:
- This was their HOUR of HELL!—that one time they interrupted "Real Housewives" for some stupid Presidential Address. Worst Hour Ever!!!
- Sorry, no, I am not buying that a human being has the name of "Vosper." Maybe he's literally an "animal," 'cause I might buy "Vosper" as a pet's name. Maybe.
- First there were dark rumblings, then there were quiet rumblings. What other kinds of rumblings might this novel contain!? Start reading at once, before you stop caring.
Page 123~
"Quietly, mate—push the door to—you saw the blood, yes, where?"First, this guy's super-bossy. Second, there's something painfully anticlimactic about "Cliff."
"Over there by—"
"All right, stay there will you … yes, I see, and this in the crack, too, eh? What else, Cliff?"
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