Title: The Man with the Golden Gun
Author: Ian Fleming
Cover artist: Barye Phillips
Yours for: $6
- James Bond subdues the 50-Foot Woman ... with sexy results.
- Damn the '60s, with their "words" crowding out all the luscious artistry. I can't believe the great Barye Phillips' work has been reduced (literally and metaphorically) to this. It's like his art is being chewed by the bloody fangs of the words, while also being attacked by a golden word-buzzsaw.
- Her ass is so hot it's literally steaming.
- Ah, "bordello," you seldom-used, beautiful word.
- "Aided by his sex-galore confederate" is a brilliant phrase, I'll give the copy writer that.
Page 123~
Amused by his thoughts, Bond's right hand came out of his pocket and lit a cigarette for him, quietly and obediently. It had stopped going off chasing rabbits on its own.
I'm kind of stuck on how a "hand" gets "amused."
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