Title: The Loving and the Daring
Author: Francoise Mallet-Joris
Cover artist: Uncredited
Yours for: $20
Best things about this cover:
- This is how older lesbians prey on young girls—their acute sense of hearing.'
This was a groundbreaking novel. No one had yet dared to tell the story of lesbian acrobats. - "This stairway doesn't seem to go anywhere. Let's just go back to Starbucks." Sorry, that was a line from "The Loving and the Undaring."
Best things about this back cover:
- You can tell which is the 15-year-old girl because she hasn't learned how to sit ladylike and still cries when she skins her knee. You can tell the older, predatory lesbian by her icy disdain and slacks.
- It's like the reviewer is teasing me by nearly saying "frank" a million times but never actually saying "frank." Asshole. Wait ... "frankly" ... Uh, OK. That'll do.
- Taut and sensitive and on the brink of explosive release! Wait, I think my brain involuntarily rewrote copy there ...
Page 123~
Two women near the edge of the dance floor were squabbling over a gay little brunette that each wanted to tear from the arms of her indignant lady partner. It became a fight, with hair pulled and slaps exchanged.Clearly this book should've been titled "Indignant Lady Partner" — "I demand satisfaction! Pistols at dawn, bitch!"
[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Tumblr]
VIN Packer - shouldn't that be FUDGE?
And speaking of Elmer Fudge...
"Bisexual—that's sort of like succotash, isn't it? Only this succotash hasn't got any corn in it. It's straight beans!"
Suffering succotash - am I confused: I thought the 'beans' were supposed to be anything but straight!
And no wonder poor Leda's rubbing her leg like she's got arthritis - she's got Mitch growing out her side!
That review from the Herald Tribune sounds like it must be translated from the French. "The book centers in a relationship that must generally be considered unnatural..." Talk about awkward phrasing.
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