Friday, December 20, 2024

Paperback 1105: Suburban High School / George Savage (Beacon B494F)

 Paperback 1105: Beacon B494F (PBO, 1962)

Title: Suburban High School
Author: George Savage
Cover artist: Uncredited

Condition: 6/10
Value: $12-15

[The Book Den, Santa Barbara, CA (2024)]
Best things about this cover: 
  • Suburban kink is a sizable sleaze paperback niche. Kinsey got everyone interested in the actual sex practices of ordinary people, and nothing shouts "ordinary" quite so strongly as the suburbs. Writers had fun imagining that "upstanding citizens," cultural conformists, and scolding moralists were actually horny hypocrites. And their kids, too!
  • Her hair is doing very weird and unnatural things. Either that or she fell on a squirrel.
  • "Oh Steve, this dead squirrel makes a terrible pillow. I feel sick. Rub my tummy."
  • Seems like a Scandal, Sin and Sex curriculum would involve a lot of redundancy. I'd prefer some outdoor activities and maybe even some philosophy: Sin, Sun and Sartre! (if that's not the tagline of some philosophy conference somewhere, then why even be a philosopher?)
  • Aside from her bralessness and semi-brazen side-boob, this cover is pretty tame. At first I thought there was some kind of bacchanalia going on in the background, but they're just dancing and roasting marshmallows, I think.
Best things about this back cover: 
  • Does this even qualify as "advice?" And is that someone's idea of a "faculty" pun? 
  • Hey, Frank Miller is in this? Exciting to get insight into his life pre-Dark Knight Returns.
  • "A new teaching position"—is that also a pun!? 
  • "Using women as weapons"—so, like battering rams?
  • OK, I'm just gonna assume the whole last paragraph is meant to be SHOUTED.
  • There is a catastrophic em dash failure in the last line here. This is the kind of "Scandal" that would bother me as a parent. "Yeah, yeah, the teens are having sex, whatever. Let's talk punctuation."
Page 123~
"Wait," I said. "Let me take off your panties."
I made it a ritual. I made taking her panties off a pagan rite that we would always practice. I drew them down slowly, inch by inch, over her hot buttocks."
Sorry, I wanted to go on, but I can't stop laughing at "hot buttocks." It's like if Hot Pockets were shaped like a butt. "Hot Buttocks!"


[Follow Rex Parker on BlueSky]

1 comment:

DemetriosX said...

My first thought was these two are way too old to be high school students, even by Hollywood standards. Then I read the front cover and thought they were too young to be the parents of high school kids, even by the standards of the early 60s. Oh, they're teachers. OK, but my high school didn't have teachers that looked like either of these two. We had one attractive female teacher, and I don't remember any of the girls swooning over any of the male teachers.

Front and back copy both use "marks" where I'd expect "grades" in US English. Beacon-Signal is American, and everything else says American, too. But "marks" sounds so British to me. Is puzzlement.