Monday, July 1, 2024

Paperback 1095: Man-Killer / Talmage Powell // Running Scared / Bob McKnight (Ace D-469)

 Paperback 1095: Ace D-469 (PBO / PBO, 1960)

Title: Man-Killer / Running Scared
Author: Talmage Powell / Bob McKnight
Cover artist: Rudy Nappi / Rudy Nappi (signature visible)

Condition: 8 or 9/10
Value: $30

Best things about this cover: 
  • "You've had your breakfast of canned baked beans and coffee, now get out of my yellow house! Don't make me have to hold this gun properly!"
  • She and that rifle sure seem, uh, friendly.
  • This is one of the greatest fuck-off power poses I've ever seen on a paperback cover. I do believe she would, in fact, kill a man, possibly several.
  • "The Lady's For Hanging" yeah good luck with that

Best things about this back cover: 
  • Crawling Scared!
  • "Murder On My Heels ... hey, where the hell are my heels, anyway? Must've lost 'em when I crawled through the swamp in my underwear oh well"
  • The Ghost of Lee Marvin is very disappointed in your push-up technique
Page 123~ (from Man-Killer)
    The man paused at the mouth of the alley, a big, brawny shadow. I saw him stiffen. He was staring at the white blob of my face in the infiltrating light. 
    It was Giles Hustin.
OK, whatever suspense, whatever sense of impending terror you were trying to work up there was immediately and entirely dissipated by "It was Giles Hustin." Giles Hustin is not the name of a man who makes other men quake in fear. Giles Hustin is the name of a man who plays folk music every Thursday from 9 to 10 at The Rusty Skillet. 

Also, I'm worried about Calhoun's face.


[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and BlueSky]

1 comment:

DemetriosX said...

Both good covers, but the first is the best. The pose is fantastic, the detail on her against the sketchier background. I really like the viewpoint that seems to be from the floor. She's obviously just clubbed the view to the ground with the butt of that rifle.