Title: Amorous Dietitian
Author: Mary Shomette Gooch
Cover artist: [I know his name but it's eluding me right now...] [Is it Robert Bonfils?]
Estimated value: $INFINITY (no copies listed at abebooks)
[Newest addition to the Doug Peterson Collection]

- "O god you smell like onions [smack smack smack] that's so hot [slurp]..."
- Tony Curtis *is* ... The Dietitian *in* ... "Some Like It Hot (& Sour)!"
- This is possibly the dumbest concept in the history of sex fiction. "We've done the whole doctors/nurses thing ... where can we go? ..." "Uh ... truck-driving?" "Really? Truck-driving? DO TRUCK DRIVERS WEAR WHITE LAB COATS, BOB? DO THEY!? How's anyone gonna get properly aroused without white lab coats, you idiot!"
- Nice inner side-boob, which I think used to be called "cleavage."
- What kind of antiseptic seraglio is this? Between our breath-smellers in the foreground and the butt-grabbers in the background, there doesn't appear to be much dietitianing happening up in here.

- First sentence = instant LOL. You can "grin" words now?
- Ladies and gentlemen, meet your newest dietitian: Clete.
- Mmm, breasts in the raw. Pretty sure I saw that on a Brooklyn bar menu.
- Jesus, does this woman have any body parts that aren't breasts?
- "She was a woman and clean." One of the all-time great mic-drop lines. Biblical in its epicness and crypticness. All other writers can suck it. There's a new word sheriff in town.
Page 123~
Warren Grant turned, looked at her, then grinned and sauntered over. His eyes rested on her jutting breasts for a moment, then lifted to her face.
Mary Shomette Gooch graduated summa cum laude from the Grin & Boob School of Writingticians.
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