Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Paperback 904: Redburn / Herman Melville (Anchor A118)

Paperback 904: Anchor Books A118 (1st ptg, 1957)

Title: Redburn: His First Voyage
Author: Herman Melville
Cover artist: Edward Gorey (!)

Estimated value: $9

Best things about this cover:
  • Well, it's a Gorey, so there's that.
  • Sooooo much erotic tension.
  • His shirt is so red it hurts my teeth.
  • Barefoot! Adorbs.
  • Look at the rounded serifs on the "U" and "N"; again, adorbs.
  • I want a big checklist of all Gorey's cover art work. I don't actually want to see the covers ahead of time. I just want to know the titles to hunt for, so when I finally discover them, my joy can be fresh.

Best things about this back cover:
  • Well, nothing, so ... moving on.

Page 123~

"What was not wrong then, is right now," said Max; "so, mind your eye, Buttons, or I'll crack your pepper-box for you!"

OK that's as good as any hardboiled tough-guy film noir dialogue I've ever heard, even though I think he's just making phrases up.


[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Tumblr]


Jerry House said...

To my weak eyes the type on the headline looked like REDBUM, a completely different book.

renke said...

goreybooks.com has a list of cover art by Edward Gorey without images - maybe a starting point for your checklist?
