Title: The Great Mail Robbery
Author: Clarence Budington Kelland
Cover artist: [Earle Bergey]
Condition: 7/10
Estimated value: $15-20

- "Cheese it, fellas! It's Miss Smokestack 1952!"
- Mr. Freaked Out Impossible-Over-the-Shoulder-Glance in the extreme foreground there is pretty special.
- There is a lot happening in this manframe (n: a framelike structure composed primarily of man parts). There's shocked bighead, Li'l Cap'n Fearhand, and then Gunhand (he handles the guns). The lady does have a manic look—and she's radiating some kind of toxic emissions—but her body language says Bored Tween. Weird.
- They Made A Living Out Of Death = C-minus pun irony

- HIS!
- Inca!
- "This side of Hell," LOL. What's on the other side of Hell? A Wendy's?
- "Suddenly there wasn't any robe." So she's some kind of ecdysiast-magician? Must be confusing for poor Will Scarlet.
- This book should be called "Will Scarlet and the Starlet." Or "The Great Female Disrobery."
He had been immersed but a few minutes when his telephone rang irritatingly. He forced himself to get up and, dripping and shivering, walked to the table beside his bed where the telephone stood."... said a voice" is about as pure an example of needless wordery as you're ever gonna see. Made me laugh out loud and completely forget the horrific adverb abuse that preceded it.
"Hello," he said impatiently.
"This," said a voice, "is Jahala Vidmar."
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