Title: Children of the Void
Author: William Dexter
Cover artist: Uncredited ("The artist is not credited, no visible signature [Jack Gaughan ?]" (isfdb))
Condition: 8/10
Estimated value: $10-12

- Used Spaceship Salesmen of the Void
- When the humans you're using for biceps curls suddenly get a mind of their own...
- My favorite word on this cover is "Violently." Like, how else is an Earth going to be "torn from its sun"? "Affectionately"?
- Grafton can't even get to his damned spaceship. How's he gonna halt a runaway world when this animatronic Chuck E. Cheese reject makes him run in terror?
- Not at all sure they didn't mean "Children of the Noid"; the similarities are uncanny:
And now...

- Wow, superdumb title replication, but super cool sketch of '60s scifi futurism. Spaceships were awesomest when they were entirely fanciful. I don't want to live in a future that isn't a mid-century future.
- That is a particularly dull and detail-free opening paragraph.
- Wow, Denis Grafton (!) is a recurring character? The basis of a series? He's like Chairman of the Board of Space Heroes That Time Totally and Utterly Forgot
But there was always something at the back of the adult mind that whispered to us that we should shun these strange creatures.O great, a treatise on right-wing immigration policy. No thanks.
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