Title: Only For Money
Author: Mark King
Cover artist: [looks like Eric Stanton, but I dunno...]
Condition: 6/10 (tight but warped)
Estimated value: ~$25-30

- Septuagenarian Barbarella brings grave tidings to Boris and Natasha's bondage party
- There are so many things to say about this cover, and yet my eyes are having a hard time seeing anything but that hat / cape combo.
- HatCape: for when your shoulders, mouth (!), and head are cold, but your boobs need air!
- HatCape: for when you want to look sexy, but talking would only ruin it!
- It's like three extras in three different low-budget genre flicks decided to meet up outside for a smoke break. Or like three porn actors have not been given sufficient direction: "Do you want to ... should we ... I mean, we're dressed like this, I assumed ... wait, why is there a trash can here? This does not make me feel sexy..."
- I'm digging the light blue border. Sincerely.

- Mmm. Minimalist.
Page 123~
He has no time to waste. He is anxious to expend himself. He puts his lips to the young girl's breast and, bending his body like a bow, shoots arrow after arrow into the soft flesh.
If you run a sex writing workshop, well, good news: I found your "Don't."
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