Title: Playgirl For Hire
Author: Sylvia Sharon (pseud. of Paul Little)
Cover artist: photo cover
[Newest addition to the Doug Peterson Collection]
Condition: 7/10
Estimated value: $25-30

- "Put down that drink and let's go do some tumbling? Whaddya say?"
- I assume these ladies are supposed to be facsimiles of Playboy Bunnies (?) but aside from the liquor and the heels, and maybe the floor, this cover seems less "big-time vice" and more "back stage at the taping of a yoga class for public access TV."
- "Oh, Patti, I feel so enmeshed in big-time vice." "Those are just stockings, dearie."

- Ah, the old "daddy issues lead Kitty to sin city" narrative. Klassic.
- There's a haven for the bored and jaded? How do I get there?
- No models were harmed in the shooting of the cover photo
Kitty thought it curious that Pearl should suddenly gulp, turn very red, and squirm nervously about as she hastened to reply, "Oh, I do, Miss Wilson."
I wanted to cut that quote short at "gulp," but kept going in the interest of journalistic integrity.
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