Title: Murder in Room 13
Author: Albert Conroy
Cover artist: Uncredited
Estimated value: $6-8

- Women Falling Backwards Over Beds Or Couches should really be a "Tag" on this blog. Happens all the time, or at least, let's say, six times.
- This looks like Barye Phillips, but there's no art credit, so ... Uncredited.
- I think the figure departing via the door is supposed to look sinister, but instead he looks cartoonishly cornball. Like some combination of Peter Lorre and Boris Badinov and a badger.
- I think the giant "13" is where it is because the artist kind of screwed up her middle section. Foreshortening of the body is all wrong and her boobs are just ... odd ... somehow.

- The evidence! Now in dramatic yellow!
- This reads like the most generic crime story pitch of all time. It's got all the elements. Ex-pug. Alcoholic haze. Motel. Raincoat. I mean, I'd be *in* if you gave me even the *slightest* reason to care.
- Murderer! Now in dramatic italics!
Page 123~
"What the hell do you want?" She sounded surly-drunk.
This novel probably sucks, but I'd say this guy's compound adjective skills are at least promising.
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