Title: Blood-and-Guts Patton
Author: Jack Pearl
Cover artist: photo cover
Yours for: $9

Best things about this cover:
- Font makes blood-and-guts seem like kooky fun!
- Love this photo cover for how anti-celebrity it is. You can't even see his face. "Take your fucking picture. I got Nazis to kill and a cigarette to finish."
- "Swashbuckling"?! Unless he puts on an eyepatch, pulls out a cutlass, and boards a clipper, no.

Best things about this back cover:
- "Eat their entrails, you pussies! Aarrrrrrrgh!"
- I like that Monarch apparently had a "Hell on Wheels" series with a little weather-danger symbol.
- Kicking!? While the rest of the world was merely punching and flogging. Genius.
Page 123~
"Hell, I'd feel as uncomfortable without this pistol as I would without pants."
Patton then pulled a knife and smiled. "Suckers … I hate pants. Now I eat your entrails!"
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