Title: Hammett Homicides
Author: Dashiell Hammett
Cover artist: Gerald Gregg
Yours for: $30

Best things about this cover:
- Taste the (lead) rainbow!
- Uh, guys? I think it's probably dead now.
- I see a pretty butterfly.
- Gerald Gregg is my favorite early, semi-abstract, non-sleazy cover artist.

Best things about this back cover:
- [ahem] … MAPBACK!
- So iconic—Hammett's S.F.!
- Sausaleto? What the?! … aw, I can't stay mad at you, mapback! Come here!
Page 123~ (opening paragraph of "The Main Death")
The captain told me Hacken and Begg were handling the job. I caught them leaving the detectives' assembly room. Begg was a freckled heavyweight, as friendly as a Saint Bernard puppy, but less intelligent. Lanky Detective-Sergeant Hacken, not so playful, carried the team's brains behind his worried hatchet face.
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