Title: The Fighting Edge
Author: William MacLeod Raine
Cover artist: Frank McCarthy
Yours for: Not for sale (gift to the collection from Doug Peterson)
Best things about this cover:
- If you stare at that giant furry meaty ginger club of a hand for any length of time, it will start to look obscene. You will have nightmares. There will be blood.
- Blood here looks fake and lipstickish, though—like the guy's fist was, just minutes earlier, engaged in a Señor Wences routine. "S'alright if I punch you in the face!? ... S'alright!"
Best things about this back cover:
- "You'll find a new rider in the bunkhouse!" — it unintentional gayness a requirement of all western cover copy? "I like 'em man-size" !? Come on!
- "I'm no dry nurse to fellows shy of sand" — nice syntax, Tex. I think this is what got that guy on the front cover punched in the face by Señor Gargantufist.
Page 123~
Dillon had taken off his high-heeled boots because they were hurting his feet. He observed that Walker, lying fully dressed on the blankets, was still wearing his.A rare glimpse backstage at an Old West drag show. Catty banter to follow, I'm sure.
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