Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Paperback 1102: Her Cheating Heart / Lloyd Kevin (Monarch Books 286)

Paperback 1102: Monarch 286 (PBO, 1962)

Title: Her Cheating Heart
Author: Lloyd Kevin
Cover artist: Tom Miller

Condition: 7/10
Value: $15

[The Book Den, Santa Barbara, CA]

Best things about this cover: 
  • "C'mon, Joy, we've been over this—quit flashing the neighbors and make me some eggs or something, jeez..."
  • Ah yes, her heart. Her cheating heart. This is an incredible painting of her heart. I could look at her heart all day.
  • This is actually a great cover—very hard to draw this specific action (woman pulling nightgown over her head) in a way that looks natural, where everything stays proportionate and relative sexiness is maintained.
  • Love the perpendicular contrast here: her action to his inaction, her ardor to his ennui. Sadly, those curtains are really killing the vibe. I can practically feel their rough, thick fabric and smell their cigarette mustiness. Between the curtains, the walls, the bedding, and his trousers/pajamas, I feel like I'm drowning in shades of drab. She looks great, the trailer park looks great, everything else looks like despair.

Best things about this back cover: 
  • Oh cool, it's a Choose Your Own Adventure book!
  • Trigg Melnor ... I'm dying. I can't breathe. Trigg... Melnor... Trigg Melnor, ladies and gentlemen. Trigg fucking Melnor. A man's man's man's man's name if there ever was one. What would I do? No, what would Trigg Melnor do? That is the question. That is the only question I will entertain in my life from now on. WWTMD, baby!
  • I sorta like this red silhouette, although it takes her from sexy dame to blobby abstraction. Pretty recognizable human silhouette from the waistline down, but above that ... I dunno. Kinda looks like some form of animal life is getting involved. Like there's a koala maybe climbing up the right side, and a small dog (in profile) keeping lookout on the left. 
Page 123~
    Trigg tried a new approach. "Lu's old Chevvy—was it here last night?"
    The woman looked puzzled. "Ol shevi?"
    "Lu's car." He made steering-wheel motions.
Make steering-wheel motions—that's what Trigg Melnor did. And he was darned good at it, too.


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