Friday, February 24, 2012

Paperback 504: TCOT Screaming Woman / Erle Stanley Gardner (Pocket Books 4523)

Paperback 504: Pocket Books 4523 (1st ptg, 1963)

Title: The Case of the Screaming Woman
Author: Erle Stanley Gardner
Cover artist: Robert McGinnis

Yours for: $7


Best things about this cover:
  • From bottom to top: "Nice ... great ... lovely ... WHAT'S THAT ON HER HEAD?! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF! KILL IT!"
  • Looks like somebody ran over a sloth several times, and then dipped it in mustard and arranged it neatly on her head.
  • McGinnis was one fine ass-drawer.
    I like how "Screaming" is kinda bouncing all over the place.
  • Perry Mason *solves* the case ... spoiler alert!


Best things about this back cover:
  • Rooftop antenna! Hot.
  • Nice morphing of the arrow motif.
  • "You're wife is either a part of this conspiracy or she's a fucking idiot. Take your pick."—Perry Mason occasionally enjoyed being a total dick to his clients.

Page 123~

"We followed the wet footprints on the linoleum in Derby's house from the shower to the front window, from the window to where he had gone to grab the towel, and down the stairs. We could, in other words, follow the handy man's route, step for step."

Ah, the handy man in the shower. Looks like Perry's got himself mixed up in the plot of some low-grade porn.


[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Tumblr]


Tulse said...

"McGinnis was one fine ass-drawer."

But his notion of "screaming" leaves a lot to be desired...

DemetriosX said...

That green isn't a good color for an Andorian. (Come on, blue skin and snow white hair? She must have has the antennae surgically removed.) Also, I'm really bothered by her feet, especially the right one. I know shoes like that are going to twist your feet into unnatural shapes, but she looks like someone bound her feet in the ancient Chinese style.